Healed of My Disability!

A spinal cord injury is simply broken communication.

The brain sends a message, it travels down the communication highway called a spinal cord packed with thousands of nerves that relay messages, reaches the part of the damage where the bridge is out, and can go no farther.

So, the higher the damage is in your spinal cord, the higher the communication gets broken. My damage is in my neck between C5-C7 vertebrae, so my communication damage has affected my arms and hands, my diaphragm, my autonomic system (blood pressure, temperature, etc), and everything chest down.

This break in communication makes daily life difficult and challenging. It brings chronic pain and atrophy which over time affect posture and seating abilities. It severely limits my functions and capabilities.

Once a spinal cord is damaged, it cannot heal itself. It cannot regenerate. It is broken beyond repair.

Through rigorous therapy, the hope is that the neural pathways will build new links around the broken parts and you can get some function to return, or you learn how to use other functioning signals to overcompensate and cover for the dead ones.

To this day, science is continually researching and experimenting trying to find ways to bridge the gap of brokenness in spinal cord injuries to bring healing.

Hang with me.

Christ is the head. We are the body. A relationship of oneness, working in harmony and fluidity, all functioning smoothly and healthy – running at full capacity to accomplish much!

When the communication is broken between God and man, a great devastating disability occurred. Man, in his rebellion against God’s beautiful design of fellowship and communication, chose his own way instead of God’s and it cost him greatly. His rebellion of sin tore apart the communication. He now experienced pain and loss and grief and sorrow and dysfunction….all things God tried to spare him.

But God loved so much, that as a true judge, evil has consequences. Blatant crime cannot go free or there is no point of any right or wrong. Wrong must be reckoned with. So who? Who must pay the penalty of that rebellion?

God did.

God left Heaven and became a man and dwelt
among us. Feeling our infirmities, our reproaches, and all of our temptations. He entered the world just like we do….as a helpless, dependent baby, and journeyed life revealing Himself to this world – not only as the Son of God, but as God the Son – who came to bridge the gap between humanity and Himself.

Do you want to know God? Know the Son – who was here, walked among us, was one of us – laying aside His deity, and humbling Himself to be a human, a servant, a teacher and a friend. How do I know there is a God? Was there a Jesus? Jesus IS the witness of the reality of God!

The Great Physician, came and through His sacrifice on the cross – where He willingly laid down his life as the Sacrificial Lamb…bridged the gap and healed our transgressions, our infirmity of sin.

It is finished. The rebellious sin of this world was forgiven. Christ suffered hell so we wouldn’t have to. He conquered hell, and 3 days later, He conquered death, and as God….even rolled away His own stoney grave that could no longer hold Him captive.

So now what?

This gift. The gift of forgiveness. The gift of a conquering Savior. The gift of eternal life where He too, will resurrect us from an earthly death to an eternal life with Him. The gift of His daily presence as the Holy Spirit dwelling with us, teaching us, guiding us, and bringing His gifts of love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, gentleness, patience to our daily lives as we follow and obey His leading.

He extends this gift to us…freely. For whosoever will. It is not His will that any should perish. He wants all to come to Him!

But….you will never need a healer if you don’t even think you are disabled.

I would look like a fool, as disabled as I am, if I was in denial and would not admit it. I may not want to wrap my pride around it, but it wouldn’t change the fact and reality of it.

We must know we are most desperate and needy of healing. That is called admitting.

We must believe that a healer is there. If I knew there was a doctor who 100% could heal me in Argentina, I would first have to believe that report before I ever saved money, or booked a flight, made an appointment and went through the procedure.

For me to sincerely commit to such a procedure, I would truly have to believe. I would view evidence (nature declares the existence of God, my own nature declares my need for God, and others should be declaring the truth of God), but at some point…even with all that evidence…I would have to believe it for myself. This is what it means to believe in YOUR heart.

And then I would take action. This is confession. Not a “I am sorry for…” list because who can even remember everything we should be sorry for? No, this is a statement. A proclamation for my belief.

I am disabled. I am broken. I cannot make myself move or walk or heal no matter how much I have tried. I am unable. I cannot.

I need a healer. I need a Savior. I need Jesus.

I am accepting His forgiveness He is asking me to receive. I am choosing to give my life over to Him…to trust Him, obey Him. follow Him.

I am laying on the surgery table, knowing I am helpless, knowing I need healing, believing you are the healer. Naked. Vulnerable. Trusting.

❤️ I am a believer.

❤️ I am healed.

Old things are passed away. All things are new. I have been made a new creature in Christ. What I could not do, I now can do through Christ…and the healing He brought to me.

And I live the rest of my earthly life:

❤️ Thankful for my healing and thankful to the Healer. I love Him. He is now my best friend.

❤️ Telling broken people there is Healer. I cannot make them admit they are disabled. I cannot make them believe. But I can keep telling them it is true.

❤️ Testifying with my life and my choices and my actions that the Lord is a Great Physician. That He is enough for all of our earthly sorrows. That the spiritual healing far exceeds the physical. That He can take care of me.…and you. That following Him is a life of unknowns…but He is not shaken when I am, and He will carry me when I feel I cannot go on.

This is the Gospel.
This is the Christmas story.
This is the message of good news for all people.

My friends, if you want to talk more about this, please message or call me! I would love to tell you all about it.

My fellow believers…please…pray for me! God is moving things along very quickly for what He has called me to do and I will need your prayers and your partnership! More information coming at the New Year, but keep up your prayers for me as God keeps leading me!

3 thoughts on “Healed of My Disability!

  1. I will stay in prayer for and all with the same symptoms, my Father has Charma Raye Tooth disease which is proripheral nerve damage that is crippling him. I Love the fact you take time to explain some of the things that are affecting you helps me deal with his 91 year old thoughts of him not able to function any longer.


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